In a world marked by technological growth, environmental issues, and evolving cultural norms, the enduring knowledge of Ayurveda and Yoga offers valuable insights. Derived from ancient Indian literature, these complementary systems emphasize holistic well-being,...
Why I Ditched My Old Website
After watching the documentary "The AI Dilemma," I felt a burning urgency to go beyond my psychotherapy practice and create a website devoted to being part of the solution. While it sounds radical, in this rapidly changing age, the potential evolution—or even...
The Wisdom of Ayurveda for the Modern World
In these times of rapid global shifts, the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda offers a grounding and holistic perspective on health and well-being. The classical Ayurvedic texts, established thousands of years ago, are increasingly relevant as we navigate the turbulence of...
Unraveling the Dual Kuṇḍalinīs: The Lost Tantra Teachings
The classical world of Tantra reveals a profound secret, often bypassed in modern spiritual teachings: the doctrine of two Kuṇḍalinīs. One resides at the crown of the head, aiming to move downwards to the heart, while the other originates at the base of the body, is...