Discover Freedom in Every Aspect of Your Life.

Embark on a transformative journey where the cutting-edge power of Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) meets the ancient wisdom of Yoga Nidra.

The New ONLINE Group meets weekly from Saturday, September 14
9:00 am -10:30 am PST

This group program will help cultivate inner peace, emotional resilience, and a profound connection to your authentic self through powerful practices integrating mindfulness, breath work, and deep relaxation.

Course Overview

What is ACT?

This 8-week course combines the transformative power of Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) with the deeply restorative practice of Yoga Nidra. ACT is a mindfulness-based therapeutic approach that encourages individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting or feeling guilty for them, and commit to taking action that aligns with their values. It focuses on six core processes: Acceptance, Cognitive Defusion, Being Present, Self as Context, Values, and Committed Action. These processes work together to enhance psychological flexibility—the ability to stay present, open up to experience, and take action based on what truly matters.

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra, often referred to as “yogic sleep,” is much more than just a relaxation technique. It is a powerful and transformative practice that guides you through different layers of consciousness, allowing you to access a state of deep rest and inner awareness while remaining fully awake. Through the systematic use of body awareness, breath focus, and visualization, Yoga Nidra helps release deep-seated tensions and emotional blockages, leading to profound healing and personal transformation. This practice not only alleviates stress and promotes relaxation but also fosters a deep connection to your inner self, helping you to integrate and align your intentions, values, and actions with your true nature.

What are the benefits of integrating ACT with Yoga Nidra?

  • Enhanced Mindfulness: Cultivate a deeper connection to the present moment, reducing stress and increasing emotional resilience.
  • Greater Self-Awareness: Develop a profound understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, leading to more intentional living.
  • Emotional Healing: Experience the therapeutic effects of acceptance and non-attachment, promoting inner peace and emotional balance.
  • Alignment with Values: Identify and commit to your core values, guiding your actions and decisions towards a more fulfilling life.
  • Psychological Flexibility: Learn to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and adaptability, responding to situations in a way that aligns with your true self.
  • Deep Transformation: Access deeper layers of consciousness to release old patterns and align with your true purpose, fostering holistic personal growth.

WEEK 1: Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) and Yoga Nidra

Discover the synergy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Yoga Nidra in this foundational week. You’ll be introduced to the core processes of ACT and learn how Yoga Nidra can deepen your journey of self-awareness and healing. This week lays the groundwork for your course, combining the mindfulness practices of ACT with the profound relaxation and introspection offered by Yoga Nidra, helping you set a meaningful intention for the weeks ahead.

 In this module, you’ll get:

  • A comprehensive understanding of the six core processes of ACT.
  • An introduction to the foundational principles and benefits of Yoga Nidra.
  • Your first experience with a grounding Yoga Nidra practice to deepen self-awareness.
  • A clear, value-aligned intention that will guide you throughout your journey in this course.


WEEK 2: Acceptance

This week, we dive into the first core process of ACT: Acceptance. You’ll learn how to open up to your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations, shifting from struggle to a place of peace. Through Yoga Nidra, you’ll be guided into a deeply relaxed state where acceptance goes beyond the mind, touching you physically and emotionally. This practice will help you cultivate a profound sense of ease and empower you to welcome yourself just as you are.

In this module, you’ll get:

  • Practical techniques to embrace your thoughts and emotions as they arise, without trying to push them away or change them.
  • A guided Yoga Nidra session that helps you internalize acceptance at a profound level, allowing you to fully relax into your present experience.
  • Methods to let go of the inner battles that drain your energy, empowering you to respond to life’s challenges with greater emotional strength.
  • Greater ease and self-compassionate, leading to more peace and kindness in your daily life

WEEK 3: Cognitive Defusion

This week, we focus on Cognitive Defusion, where ACT techniques help you unhook from unhelpful thoughts, viewing them as passing events rather than fixed realities. Complementing this, Yoga Nidra will guide you into profound relaxation, where the mind’s activity naturally quiets down. Here, you’ll experience a calm, centered state that helps reduce the grip of negative thinking and tension. By training your mind and body to fully relax, this module enhances your ability to approach life’s challenges with greater clarity and flexibility, free from disruptive thought patterns.

In this module, you’ll get:

  • Techniques to create distance from unhelpful thoughts.
  • Increased cognitive flexibility supported by deep relaxation through guided Yoga Nidra.
  • Tools to lessen the impact of negative thinking patterns, helping you cultivate a calmer, more centered mind.
  • A greater sense of mental clarity and freedom from over-identifying with thoughts.

WEEK 4: Being Present

This week, we delve into the power of mindfulness with a focus on Being Present. ACT’s present-moment awareness practices help you stay fully engaged with the here and now, encouraging you to observe your experiences with openness and curiosity. These practices will be deepened by the calming effects of Yoga Nidra, which guides you through layers of consciousness, grounding you fully in the present moment. This approach quiets mental chatter and reduces reactivity, helping you experience life with greater mindfulness, connection, and inner peace.

In this module, you’ll get:

  • Practical skills to stay present and mindful throughout your daily life.
  • A profound experience of present-moment awareness through the practice of Yoga Nidra.
  • Effective techniques to reduce reactivity and cultivate mindfulness, especially when stressed, leading to a deeper sense of inner calm.
  • A heightened sense of connection to yourself, others, and your environment.

WEEK 5: Self as Context

This week, we explore the transformative concept of Self as Context, a key process in ACT that allows you to see yourself as more than just your thoughts, feelings, or emotions. Through the powerful practice of Yoga Nidra, you’ll learn to step back from the constant flow of mental activity, uncovering the stable, unchanging part of yourself that quietly observes. This deep connection to your true self will strengthen your psychological flexibility, giving you a solid foundation to confidently navigate life’s challenges.inner peace.

In this module, you’ll get:

  • A clear explanation of Self as Context, helping you see yourself beyond your thoughts and feelings.
  • Practical experience in Yoga Nidra that helps you tap into the stable, observing part of yourself.
  • Tools to separate your identity from your experiences, reducing the impact of stressful thoughts and emotions.
  • A sense of inner calm and resilience, rooted in a deeper connection with your true self.

WEEK 6: Values

This week, you will focus on identifying and aligning with your core values—the guiding principles that give your life meaning and direction. The deep awareness accessed through Yoga Nidra will allow you to connect with your values on a profound level, solidifying their alignment within your subconscious mind. This connection between your deepest self and your values will empower you to live a life of purpose and authenticity, guided by what is most meaningful to you.

In this module, you’ll get:

  • A clear understanding of what truly drives you and how to prioritize those values in your daily life.
  • An experience of deep inner alignment through guided Yoga Nidra, reinforcing your commitment to your core principles.
  • A stronger connection to your inner self, helping you navigate life with more confidence and clarity.
  • A renewed sense of direction and purpose, empowering you to live a more fulfilled and authentic life.

WEEK 7: Committed Action

This week focuses on Committed Action, where you will learn to take meaningful steps toward your goals, even when obstacles arise. Yoga Nidra helps create a deeply relaxed state, making your mind and body more receptive to change. This practice allows you to tap into your inner strength and cultivate the courage to move forward confidently. Through guided visualization, you will clearly see and feel yourself taking values-driven actions, helping you embody these actions on a profound level. This process reinforces your commitment to your goals and turns your intentions into reality with renewed purpose and determination.

In this module, you’ll get:

  • Specific techniques for taking actions that directly align with your core values.
  • A transformative Yoga Nidra session that uses deep relaxation and intention-setting to strengthen your resolve.
  • Practical techniques to unhook from obstacles and maintain progress toward your goals.
  • Increased psychological flexibility, helping you stay motivated and focused on meaningful actions.

WEEK 8: Integration and Empowered Living

In the final week, you’ll bring everything together, integrating the learnings from the past seven weeks into a cohesive practice that you can carry forward. Through a profound Yoga Nidra session, you’ll access a state of deep relaxation that links these learnings with your inner wisdom and authentic core. This practice will help you align your goals and intentions, ensuring that your path forward is clear and grounded. By the end of this week, you’ll have the tools and confidence to continue your journey with purpose and resilience.

In this module, you’ll get:

  • An integrated understanding of how ACT and Yoga Nidra practices amplify each other.
  • Concrete techniques for aligning your values with ongoing actions, supporting continued growth and mindful living.
  • Practical strategies for maintaining balance and resilience as you move forward.
  • Enhanced inner peace, clarity, and a stronger connection to your authentic self.

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… and discover a truly life-changing practice?

Click the link and take advantage of the special introductory price of $55.00/week for a total one time payment of only $440.00 for the entire program.

Specializing in Breath & Energy Work, Marma Points, Non-Touch Yoga Therapy, Kundalini, and Yoga Nidra

RYT 500 Yoga Credential

California Licensed Psychotherapist LMFT 44530

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Yoga Nidra Certified